March 28, 2012


I can grow something!  Well, indirectly of course.  I had nothing to do with this plant deciding to grow up the wall.  When we first moved into the house it was just a sorry dead looking branch with no motivation to act plant like.  I think the little guy heard that I am a Chicago Cub's fan and wanted to replicate the outfield walls of Wrigley Field in tribute.


Another two for one deal.  But, my reasoning for two photos is that I have been wanting to get this out of the way.  I have been playing Skyrim for awhile...and a lot.  I mean, A LOT.  So much, my wife even gets the jokes that are attributed to Skyrim.  It is an awesome game, not for everyone though.  I have gotten to the point where I play it for an hour or so on my days off and I am good.  This photo is of the quest marker that is in the game.  It is used to point the way to certain quests.  This particular marker is on my refrigerator door in the form of a sticker.  I am sure my wife put it there to ensure I eat something and not starve in front of the television.

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