September 19, 2012


No, this is not tomato soup from the Andy Warhol can.  It's one of those Scentsy candle things that fills the house with random melted smells.

September 18, 2012

Cat toy

I seem to like taking grainy cat toy photos.

September 17, 2012


I really do hate owning a house.  Well, not really…I just do not like having to fix or temporarily make better the problems that arise for no other reason than to piss me off.

September 16, 2012


Yeah, this whole running thing is starting to make me feel like an old man.  Have I reached that point already?

September 15, 2012


I have taken photos of the Mimosa tree in my front yard and lamented about the damn ants that make it a home.  There was a branch that fell off of the tree as a result of the ants munching on the tasty wood.  When I mentioned that to the bug dip shit (not guy), he laughed and stated, "Ha!  Ants can't make a tree branch fall they're too small!"  Well, today I noticed hundreds of ants crawling out of one of the other branches.  I took a quick photo of the damage that the "too small" ants have done and promptly searched for a way to get rid of the idiot who obviously sniffed too much of his product.

September 14, 2012


I went to see a movie but was deceived by the ticket sales, so, I opted for lunch instead. 

September 13, 2012


We've had this broken windshield in the car for sometime.  So, today was the day that we decided to go fix it.  An idiot threw a rock over a wall when we were parked at a local bar.  Thanks f'tard.

September 12, 2012


Andy Warhol soup cans...

September 11, 2012


It was crazy rainy today.  I have lived in Las Vegas my whole life and I have never seen it rain the way it did.  This particular photo shows a flood channel that runs near the Hard Rock Hotel.  The water is close to 10 feet deep.  It still amazes me though that this water covers the road yet, idiots still believe their Kia can run through it like some sort of amphibious truck.  It never ends well.

September 10, 2012


Well, Proust did not change my life.  But the book was an interesting read either way.  It sits near my reach when I am in bed just in case I need to feel smart after reading random news bits from my iPad.

September 9, 2012


The raise the roof happy asian drink cup.

September 8, 2012


I see you...

September 7, 2012


I apologize for the blurriness of the photograph.  It is probably due to my eyeballs slowly loosing sight from the lack of blinking.  I have not played a video game in sometime.  Boredom and opportunity presented itself today and I played for a bit. 

September 6, 2012


The mess of my desk.

September 5, 2012


I messed up.  So, this was a unique photo in that it was just a snapshot of my iPhone screen.  And it was taken early in the morning on September 5th.  I was getting ready to do a quick run before going to sleep and I couldn't get my damn iPhone into its little holder.  Somehow during my struggles to force the thing into the holder, I snapped this picture.  Oh well, I'll use it.

September 4, 2012


Matches or their heads.  Nothing more.

September 3, 2012


Another map.  This one is not really used for traveling but more for decorative purposes. 

September 2, 2012


So, my wife is from Pittsburgh.  Naturally she has to like the Steelers.  My wife likes Disney.  Naturally she has to like the Vinylmation figurines.  It's the perfect combination. 

September 1, 2012


The window, looking out to the front of our house.