October 31, 2012


Happy Nevada Day.

October 30, 2012


October 29, 2012


October 28, 2012


Zombie baby ass.

October 27, 2012


This is part of the aftermath of the supposed apocalypse (party). 

October 26, 2012


October 25, 2012


Apocalypse preparation. 

October 24, 2012


 For my Halloween costume I decided to be a creeper from Minecraft.  What a painfully daunting task of measuring out and cutting small squares.  I got the face side done after a few hours and decided to watch some baseball.Minecraftbaseball

October 23, 2012


October 22, 2012


October 21, 2012


This is a ceiling at my work.  I still have an urge to sharpen a pencil really well or take an eraser and stick paperclips pointed end out and throw it up 'til they stick.

October 20, 2012


Words cannot describe the pain that jolted through my body when the door slammed my middle finger.  Well, yes there are words but then it would end up looking similar to a list of George Carlin's seven dirty words.

October 19, 2012


Settebello…again.  I repeat myself, see?

October 18, 2012


October 17, 2012


Yeah, more trees…but this one is amazing.  It's on the grounds near the Disneyland Hotel and I want one.

October 16, 2012


October 15, 2012


October 14, 2012


October 13, 2012


The carpet wall at work to make it easier to clean…I suppose.  I think it'd be kinda hard to stick a vacuum up there.  In all seriousness, they have to use a big machine to clean the walls instead of a spray bottle and a towel.

October 12, 2012


October 11, 2012


Nothing says "fall time" like potato leek soup.

October 10, 2012


What's the best way to stop a beeping fire detector?  The simple answer might be to take the battery out, to my wife, it means taking the whole thing off of the ceiling. 

October 9, 2012


October 8, 2012


Hang on!

All, two of you that may or may not read and look at this blog…I am trying something new.  I am still taking pictures as usual, but I am just going to try posting them all at once with maybe a little explanation here and there.  That way I should get all caught up with the days and what not.  At this point, taking the pictures everyday is the easy part.  Posting them to the blog and then thinking up something to write is getting difficult.  For the most part, I just repeat myself when I am writing things, (trees and rocks and things.)  

Also, this is October, and I am convinced that humans at one time in their evolutionary travels hibernated starting in October.  Because, I am sleepy as all hell.  It takes a bit of effort to pull me out of bed to get anything accomplished.

Either way, I will be posting the rest of the October pictures in the coming days.  Some are pretty interesting being near Halloween and all.

October 7, 2012


This is a didjeridoo sitting in the bedroom.  I like to use it to scare the cats from time to time.  Apparently it is excellent for breath work exercise if one gets proficient at utilizing one.  For now I can just make noise for a few seconds to send the cats scampering.

October 6, 2012


The shelve(s) of mostly un-completed books.

October 5, 2012


We went to the Smith Center again.  This time to see Wicked.  My wife thought it would be fun to dress up as some of the characters in a subtle way.  I wore a silver shirt to represent the tin-man.  One can easily figure out my wife's character.

October 4, 2012

T shirt leaf

This is from a t-shirt that I wear often.  It goes a long with the whole tree theme that I tend to post every few days.

October 3, 2012


A banana hanging on the wall in the hall.

October 2, 2012


Some Scotch.

October 1, 2012


HOOK…and it's October!

September 30, 2012


Nothing special about this.  I was trying to find some shade behind a gas station while at work and just snapped this with a jaunty tilt.

September 29, 2012


I swear I took this photo before too.  Oh well.  Footprints on a wall at work.

September 28, 2012


I swear I took this photo before.  It's all starting to blend together with over six months of photos.

September 27, 2012


So, two 12 hour road trips in 4 days got me a tad bit sick.  I spent the day sprawled out on the floor with my cats and Netflix.

September 26, 2012


Back on the road.  This time I had enough rest and opted to drive the whole way back home.

September 25, 2012


We spent the day walking around Denver again and ended it with a rainy baseball game featuring my lovable losers.

September 24, 2012


Cows, Scotch and Red Rocks

Denver is known for its vast amount of beer related theme parks (bars).  Some of my favorite ever reside there.  My wife and I spent the better part of today walking around downtown Denver sampling some beers and checking out the random art installations that are uniquely midwest/western.  These cows were sitting outside of the Denver Art Museum.Scotch

One of my favorite places to visit in Denver is Pints Pub.  They serve Cask Ale which is a type of beer that is essentially served at it's purest form.  The only pressure that is used to pour the beer is a result from natural fermentation.  Along with the Ales the Pub has 100's of different types of Scotches.  I've recently gotten a taste for Scotch and this was a great place to sample some amazing Scotch Whisky.Redrocks

We ended our night at Red Rocks amphitheatre to see Jason Mraz.  Red Rocks is an awesome place to catch live music.  The scenery is beautiful and the acoustics sound wonderful.  I am not a gigantic fan of Jason Mraz, however the concert was awesome.

September 23, 2012


So, in my infinite wisdom, I decided to work my 10 hour shift the day before I was to head out to Denver.  My plan was to go home, rest for a bit then head out  My wife was to drive the first leg while I attempted to sleep.

Well, I got a little ambitious and decided to leave immediately after work.  Heading out on a 12 hour drive with little to no sleep is really not fun…at all.  But, it started to get pretty in the Rockies.

September 22, 2012


I was not pooping when I took this.

September 21, 2012


Laundry day.  Not much to say to that.  I'm getting ready to go on a short little road trip to Denver pretty soon so I wanted to have my clothes ready.

September 20, 2012


A petrified tree in my backyard.  Just another photograph showing my fascination with rocks and trees.


It's been some time since I've last posted.  No worries!  I'll be posting some pictures soon.  I've been busy traveling and being sick.  Taking a photo a day while sick didn't turn out too exciting.