There was a little craft festival of sorts going on near the cabin. This both was selling honey but also had a display panel showing a colony.
July 26, 2012
This is the side of the cabin. I spent the day reading and relaxing. It really is all one does up there. Then I cooked up some awesome steak that had an awesome marinade.
July 25, 2012
Shopping again. This time I am getting ready for a short trip up to the family cabin. Oatmeal and worcestershire sauce go well together.
July 22, 2012
A simple (iron? copper? both?) dragonfly in the house. Apparently dragonfly's mean good luck among other things.
July 21, 2012
Welcome to my home. This was a difficult photo to take. I was barefoot outside and the temperate of the ground was pushing around 120. Maybe I could treat it as one of those motivational fire walks that Tony Robbins does.
July 20, 2012
Yes, I have stuffed toy sloths sitting in my room.
I also took a picture of clouds, which I know I have done before, but that was where my eyes were directed today.
July 19, 2012
Finally home after an eventful trip back. Eventful in the since that we had to dodge the douche bags coming to Vegas to "PARTY!" And the flight was delayed. Every flight I have been on coming to Las Vegas, no matter where I am coming from inevitably has some ass clown(s) on it. This makes for a long, head throbbing trip back home. I told my wife that when I fly out of Vegas I am going to act they way they do. "Bozeman, Montana! Wooo!" And I'll sneak my bottles of liquor on the plane and become belligerent to anyone and anything.
Oh, this is a postcard hanging in my room. Completely unrelated, expect for maybe the traveling aspect.
July 17, 2012
I had a long post about art before. They have a Contemporary Art exhibit at the Carnegie Museum of Art which we just had to check out. Some of the collection is pretty cool. Some of the collection… Robert Ryman painted this piece using, err I forget what medium he used. He usually takes some type of metal and uses off white paint with a certain brush stroke. OK.
July 16, 2012
This was from a little diner called Pamela's in the Strip District of Pittsburgh. We had a nice little breakfast and walked down to the Heinz History Center where Pittsburgh Pride runs rampant. It was a cool museum though, offering up all aspects of Pittsburgh history including sports and industry.
July 15, 2012
Today we were going to move closer to the town where my wife grew up in. So, we got a little hotel room without really checking out the area. Once there we both had a sinking feeling in our stomach that it was the wrong choice. The place was far away from the road and it was in a dark gully. I then saw women who I could easily place as being whores walking around the rooms.
Once we checked into the room, we were greeted by this fly on the chair. Both of us debated back and forth on wether or not to leave because the money had already been spent on the room. Then I decided to lie down on the bed for a second. Before I could rest my head on the pillow I noticed hundreds of little hairs all over the pillow and bed. My wife claims they were pubic hairs but who knows. That's pretty much what set the ball in motion to get the hell out of the hotel.
My wife called up and they graciously gave her the money back for the hotel. While she was doing that I was booking another hotel, which was much nicer and pubic hair free.
July 14, 2012
So, yesterday I mentioned I drank a lot of Yuengling. Today I was not feeling too grand. My wife and I took a trip to a Pittsburgh staple, Primanti Bros. I had a greasy cornbeef sandwich with everything on it. It worked like a charm and I felt better by the afternoon.
July 13, 2012
As I mentioned before my wife takes great pleasure "making shit out of shit." An added bonus to our trip to Pittsburgh included seeing the Dave Matthew's Band…and tailgating before. So, my wife quickly crocheted up some coozies and sewed a firedancer on it (the symbol for the Dave Matthew's Band). Today was spent drinking Yuengling and playing cornhole before heading in to see the show.
July 12, 2012
If there is one other thing besides bridges (and sports) that seem to represent Pittsburgh it is their inclines. My wife is from Pittsburgh and always talked about riding one but every time we took a trip to the 'Burgh we never got a chance to ride one. The particular one we rode was the Monogahela Incline or the Mon. It is the oldest and steepest incline in the US. Once on top of Mt. Washington, we were treated with a beautiful view of the city and all of its bridges.
July 11, 2012
This is what greets visitors at the Pittsburgh airport. It is a statue of Franco Harris making the immaculate reception. There is also a T-Rex skeleton among other notable historical figures.
July 10, 2012
This poster is next to my Wakarusa poster. It reminds me of going on trips and vacations so in light of my soon to be vacation I figured it was appropriate to take a picture of it. This was a poster from the Jam Cruise, which was a cruise ship that had a music festival on it. Yeah, it was pretty cool.
July 9, 2012
Just listening to the sports station on the way to work. Radio has gone down hill. It has to compete with satellite radio and apps like pandora and spotify. But, in my opinion it still doesn't work. They play the same things, it may not be what I want when I want it…(21 century mentality). So, when I am not listening to my satellite radio or spotify I listen to the sports station or NPR.
July 8, 2012
I took my millionth heavy breathed sigh of the night and looked up pleadingly at the ceiling hoping for some relief to be dropped down. Perhaps some more sheep since I have ran out of them hours ago; or maybe a pill to lullaby me away.
I could not sleep last night. After about two hours of a mishmash version of sleep I woke up and started to stare at the ceiling. This is what I saw. No hope came…at least I had air circulation.
This is a video from Cadillac Sky that semi accurately recreates my evening.
July 7, 2012
I mentioned that I was going on a trip yesterday. I am one of those people that semi packs a week prior to have the peace of mind that one task of the buildup to vacation is done. So, for the past week I have had a stack of clothes sitting on the dresser. It is one of the few times I can do this and avoid a scolding from my wife.
July 6, 2012
I apologize that this blog has become a showcase for pictures of things and knick knacks around my house. On days I work I find it difficult to photograph anything. I am going to try and start more though...after I take my trip, since my little key hanger is telling me to do so.
July 5, 2012
I'm not going to mention where I took this photo since I have taken I believe 5 or so photos there already. Anyway, hot pepper in a jar can be artsy…I guess?
July 4, 2012
Yay for the independence…to light off dangerous explosives and drink copious amounts of alcohol.
July 3, 2012
When the weather changes here, such as when it goes from humid to dry, I tend to get a bloody nose. So, I use a neti-pot to at least add a little moisture into the nose. I do not use the local tap water since that crap would probably kill me. Tap water was linked to killing two people who used a neti-pot. Well, actually it was the brain eating amoeba that was in the water. I find it unlikely that brain bugs would be living in the tap water here, since there was a time when rocket fuel flowed into the water. My nose is better though and amoeba free.
July 1, 2012
This was not an accident. And it was not a product of an almost missed picture for the day. I was just bored looking at my hand and thought, "ahh what the hell." Not the most exciting picture but at least I fulfilled my picture for the day.