Not the best photo, but…it's where I'm going to be spending a good portion of my time. It's Fantasy Football time…and I hate it. It makes me cheer for a team or player I could care less about while they play a team that I actually like.
August 30, 2012
My cats like to bounce this thing around the house in the middle of the night. The mouse inside squeaks every time the ball is rolled. Eventually, my cats leave it in the middle of the living room floor, so, if by chance I decide to step out at night, I'll trip over and they can get a good cat laugh.
August 29, 2012
So, on top of training for a half marathon I've started to smoke an occasional cigar. I suppose it keeps me focused?
August 27, 2012
I've recently picked up a habit of chewing a lot of Trident gum while at work. I used to stay away from anything Trident because the smaller pieces of gum caused me to always bite my cheek. I've must've grown up or my teeth have shrunk because I've yet to bite the inside of my cheek.
August 25, 2012
So, I've started training for the Las Vegas half marathon. I think it's time for me to get some new running shoes though. These suckers have had many miles on them…considering I've had them for almost 5 years.
August 24, 2012
Nuts! Chopped up and mixed match nuts! My wife and I have started to go to a Mongolian grill that is down the road from us. She always puts some nuts to throw into her bowl of whatever she makes.
August 23, 2012
I mentioned my wife's obsession with Alice in Wonderland. This is from a coaster that sits on the coffee table.
August 22, 2012
I attempted to go to the grocery store but the water was coming down too fast and too hard to be able to see out of the window. However, in typical Las Vegas weather fashion, it was done by the time I sat down to begin an episode of Breaking Bad.
Later in the day my wife and I went to the Smith Center again to see Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers. I enjoyed it a lot. In this first picture you can see the structure off in the distance that I photographed the last time we went to the Smith Center.
It's a…threefer? Just because.
August 19, 2012
It is finally time for football. It is nice to be consumed by the frustration of Fantasy Football and the frustration that I work the majority of Sundays and Mondays. At least this season they have a lot of Wednesday and Thursday games.
August 16, 2012
I took a trip up to our family cabin again to escape the heat. More trees, I know. This is a Ponderosa that is on the property.
I also found this little guy who unfortunately met a window head on. I picked him up and put him on a branch so that he can get back to whatever it was he was doing.
August 15, 2012
My wife was the subject of one of my earlier "photos of the day." Maybe with the remaining months I can take more and paste them together to have a photo blog version of my wife. I think my hands look better, just saying…even though my wife is the one that usually takes care of them.
August 13, 2012
I've explained before that I was told that I had higher than normal cholesterol levels last year. So, I began to eat a little healthier. That included munching on blueberries when I had the chance. I try not to eat them while driving; they inevitably end up falling under the seat to compete with the french fries that caused the high cholesterol in the first place.
August 11, 2012
Collected garbage in a Whole Foods bag that sits in the truck in the sun. Now, that's a name for a contemporary art piece!
August 10, 2012
My wife and I took a jaunt down to Boulder City since it is a few miles away from us. Scattered amongst the little outdoor eateries and bars in the small town are antique stores which offer a variety of nifty nicknacks. We visited one to check out the wares and to talk to my mother-in-law who works and one of the shops.
August 9, 2012
I made a Cherry Mead earlier in the year that was I felt was ready to bottle. I'm going to let it age a little longer to mellow out the flavor. This is the tower that I stick my bottles on after washing and sanitizing them.
August 7, 2012
Doing a little business in the downtown area. Of course, I decided to wear an all black shirt with all black pants and a pair of all black shoes to cover my black socks…when it was nearly 107 degrees.
August 6, 2012
I was driving around downtown Vegas when I snapped this. Off in the distance the place where I took one of my first pictures can be seen.
August 4, 2012
The tree in the backyard likes to shed its leafs in the middle of summer. I always blamed it on the ants. But, lately the ants have been developing a strong dislike toward dying, so, I think it's just the heat that makes the leafs drop.
I have been kinda lazy with the posts. I keep building up a mass of photographs from the passing days but never seem to find the initiative to post them. I will try harder! And with the coming weeks I will attempt to post something on or closer to the day that the photograph was taken.
August 3, 2012
The olympics took over my dreams. Not because of high hopes or wishes to be an olympian. But because my wife has the games playing just about 24/7 in the house. No matter the sport. So now, when I close my eyes and get ready for a nights rest I am greeted by this image.
August 2, 2012
The day was spent painting my cornholes. Sorry, let me explain. I was paining the boards that "Bags," or "Cornhole" is played on. I initially wanted to spray paint it but my wife thought it would look better if we actually painted it. It does. Perhaps a photo of the finish product will show up in the future.
July 31, 2012
Crap, I almost did it again! I almost forgot to take a photo. So, I took a quick snap of the dome light in my car and then played around with the saturation. Now I have a photograph of a UFO.
July 29, 2012
An artsy interpretation of the inside of a peach. I have been trying to get at least the "5 fruits and vegetables" a day into my diet. The peaches have been actually quite amazing so it makes for easy eating. At least I got one fruit down.
July 28, 2012
Seriously, why am I eating "sea tangle snacks." It's seaweed! I've gotten to love the taste though and eat the things like chips. This is like a post one would put on Facebook. Sorry for that.